Friday, August 27, 2010

I Miss That Girl..!!

I miss that girl..!!
I didn’t knew that one day I will miss that girl,
With the shining, soft hair’s that remains unfurl!
The moment I shut my eyes just to feel her presence,
It takes me to the world where she seemed to be omnipresence!
I lay on my bed and looked at the moon, so near yet so far,
I felt the wind like a croon, and she looked like a star!
I missed her so much that my tears couldn’t hold,
But the drop that fell down was precious than a gold!
I stepped into rain, to feel that moment to be change,
And the raindrop like a grain with my tears they exchanged!
I miss those gods self carved eyes that ever at me stare,
That will always make me believe, love is in the air!
I miss that hot moist lips, I miss that unique curve of my life,
Like a diamond from a mine, a women preserves in her life!
I wish now she could be with me, so that I could feel her breath,
Hold her cheeks and feel the air which is about to heat!
Look into her eyes and say the things,
“I miss those moments when I never think of you,
I miss those moments when I never feel your presence of you,
I miss those moments when I never said ‘I LOVE YOU’,
You captured my fortress like heart, and became the princess so called sweetheart,
I miss you like the night misses itself without starts and moon,
And If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.”

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Pearl from the Ocean...!!

A Pearl from the Ocean..!!
This blog is dedicated to my most beloved friend. Who has supported me in every means, she has been with me in every worst situation not by supporting but in other sense like fighting with me, laughing at my situation making fun of it. Well this all excites me and helps to prove her that I can tackle the situation. Here is a small poem written for her.

People’s Statement: “A girl and a boy can’t be just friends, they go in a relation that at last ends.”
I thank you dear,
Without any fear,
You made me proud,
From all this crowd,
We are friends,
And we are meant to be friends,
You helped me out,
To make the statement false as they shout,
Now I can loudly say,
To the world I want to say,
____ is the name,
Not interested in fame,
With a beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile,
That’s gonna ever be the same.

The world says that Leonardo Da Vinci is the creator of the alluring painting in world of Mona Lisa, but for me the person who captures one of the most attractive eyes on a paper then he is the world number one painter. Yes, I have never seen such a marvelous thing, eyes of my friend and I bet you all will also agree with me for the same. It’s my bad luck that I don’t have enough beautiful words as her eyes to express.
Her eye brows are thin and sharp like a moon which can easily be differentiated and the way it looks in the sky. It’s in such a perfect shape that I think none of the world’s famous make-up designer can give. Her eye brows are so much delightful and classy; when you look at it closely you will feel as if a lotus flowers (her eyes) which look more special with its leaves (eye brows).
Then her eyes, like a black dot surrounded by light brown color in a white sea. As if the god himself took very long time to design such an enticing thing of the world. Whenever I look at it, her face don’t know how it becomes invisible, it’s just her eyes I can see. When I look into her eyes, I feel as if something very heavy load has been taken off from me, I feel relief. Whenever I am depressed I just close my eyes and I can see her looking at me, don’t know where my depression runs away.
A person always has something in his life which makes him feel free from all the worries from all the tension when he looks at it or feels it and for me the thing is her eyes. I had captured all her expressions, with every angle in my mind and just keep on wondering that which is the most perfect click? But I get messed up, confused because her every expressions with every angle goes on to be more beautiful than other and I couldn’t conclude it finally.
The topic name says a lot about her eyes, in ocean you can find lots of precious gemstones a lots of pearls some worth priceless, but it’s only the one pearl which is special, dazzling, beauteous, bewitching, delicate, divine, exquisite, ideal, ravishing, and resplendent and that’s the pearl.
A Pearl from the Ocean…!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Kiss of my LIFE....!!

The Kiss of my LIFE….!!

It was 5:30 PM and we were at one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen called Matheran. As this place is famous for its romantic and wonderful points which is also very beautiful during monsoon. A place highly recommended for couples when it’s raining, because I personally had the most beautiful experience of my life.

We were at the echo point, the place which is far inside surrounded with beautiful sceneries from three sides. You can also see the waterfall at your left. I was with the girl, never imagined that I am going to have such a special moment ahead. She was holding my hand looking at the greenery surrounding us which she thinks as a beautiful gift of god and I was looking at the most beautiful gift of god...that is her. She was shouting my name trying to hear the echo; I didn’t know that my name sounds so pleasant in her voice. I just wished she continues the same. Then she looked at me and gave me a sign that I should say her name too. As I did the same, I don’t know why her name was sounding so clear than mine. The echo of her name was a bit louder than mine? Ohh!! Got it, actually I was taking the name of a girl who is more beautiful than the view around us and the mountains were too much interested than me to take her name that’s why her name was sounding louder.

We were busy enjoying the view and suddenly it started raining, not heavily but just like sprinklers. As she was wet and feeling cold, so she came near me. So close that I can easily see her face just couple of inches from me. I was just busy in watching her, some of the rain drops on her cheeks which were not at all rolling down. I could sense that these rain drops were so lucky to be on cheeks for such a long time. In jealous I had become so hot that the rain drops on me were vaporizing.

She slowly turned her face and looked at me; she knew that I was looking at her since a long time. As she turned facing to me, she looked into my eyes. God I have never seen such beautiful eyes before. She slowly moved towards me, I can sense her breath, she was so close. I just closed my eyes and moved a bit towards her. I too was feeling cold but suddenly all the air around me, the rain drops falling on me turned warm. I sensed something on my lips, it was warm, and I think whatever rain drops on my lips where present were vaporized. I felt some kind of flavor on my lips, I am so good in guessing it, and it was strawberry flavor. I am unable to understand what’s going on around so I slowly opened my eyes. As I opened my eyes I saw those beautiful eyes closed, her eye liner had been washed out due to rain, yet looking so beautiful. Some tiny rain drops were on her eye lashes which were looking as if some gemstones precious than diamond were on it making her eyes more beautiful. I could see nothing except her eyes closed and was wondering about the things going behind her eyes. I could still feel the warm lips, I could easily differentiate between the moisture present on her lips and the rain drops. The mixture of her lips moisture and the raindrops and strawberry flavor lipstick was making a cocktail which I think is the most alcoholic thing I ever tasted. I closed my eyes again to enjoy this moment.

After some time I again tried to open my eyes. What the hell is this? I saw a familiar face coming towards me, there was no rain, no evening time, it was too bright out there and what the hell a PC is doing in front of me. I was feeling cold because of this AC above me? Wait a minute. The surrounding seems to be too much familiar. Ohh!! It’s my office, and gosh I had again seen a dream.

But why my lips are still waiting for the strawberry flavor? And I think that from now onwards strawberry will be my favorite fruit for sure. Where did those eyes go? Why I am unable to have the warm feeling around me?

God why only dream? When can I experience The Kiss of my LIFE….!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

When the sun falls down..!!

When the sun falls down..!!

It’s the evening I wanna ever remember. It was a day of my life when all the things were at the right place since morning, because she was with me. We had lots of fun she was just smiling n smiling n smilingJ . God!! I don’t think you will ever have such a beautiful smile in your heaven too. But it was the time for the most beautiful moment I had never imagined about. We were on a beach, playing with the waves of sea, the waves where also enjoying the same. The water was clear as it’s one of the beaches from Maldives Island.
The sun was slowly-slowly heading to dip into the sea. I suddenly had a plan, I said her to enjoy the moment alone and will be back in couple of minutes. I can see the expression on her face. It was as if I had asked her to be apart for 2 years. I went to a resort just a few steps distance from the place where we were enjoying. I handed some amount of bucks to the owner and arranged something surprise.
I came back to her and can see the smile as I returned it was as if I m missing the camera the most in my life for the 1st time but I m lucky to capture the smile from my eyes and has stored in safe place tats my heart.
After some time I asked her that can we walk for some time for which she agreed immediately. So we were walking parallel to the beach. The waves were trying there best to touch out foot palm as if they were asking us to come and play for some more time. They were not at all stopping, but we just kept walking.
After some time we saw something like a table had been arranged with two chairs on a beach, we headed towards it to check out what’s going on. As we reached there, I slowly pushed back the chair, invited her to have a seat. She was a bit shocked initially later on she came to know that I had arranged these stuffs to have dinner together. As we had our seats, somewhere someone was playing violin, hey that’s not my plan but a perfect coincident to make up the moments and thanks for that person who was playing it, how lucky I was.
The manager himself came to us for our order. As usual I had to start with a drink ha ha haJ , she ordered a pink wine for us and I ordered scotch on the rocks that’s it nothing much as we where not hungry at all. The manager said that it will take some time and we both agreed.
Now here comes the situation. I m sitting in front of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the sun was falling down in sea and as if its not the sea water, these are the tears of the sun in sorrow as he will be unable to see her more. On the other side moon was heading up and glowing brighter than rest of time because he was able to see her now. The sun and moon both can be seen at same time, such a bad luck for the sun as he has to go and was jealous of the moon. But I am the luckiest of the both since she was with me and I can see her day and nights. And the truth is that sun and moon both were too much jealous of me.
Here comes our order. My scotch and her wine, as its dark out there, so we had to light a candle pink color preferred one to match her pink wine. There she was in front of me with the wine glass in hand and the light of candle making her face shine. There were some sand particles on her face it was looking as if some small gemstones fallen form heaven on her face they were sparkling more than a diamond which were making them more precious as they were on her face. The candle light passing from her wine making it pink was looking so beautiful. There was as if a fight is going on between the moons light the candle light as the pink light from her wine, as they all were trying to touch her face. As she took the 1st sip, for the 1st time I was feeling jealous about someone. It was the wine itself because they were touching her lips. The wine with itself cold and as they pass through her warm lips was making the wine itself too warm. Her eyes were reflecting the lights her face was glowing; she was looking more than a angle all the way from heaven.
The waves were touching our feet’s, as our table was a bit inside the sea making the sea water to touch our feet’s easily. I can feel the cold breeze the sound of sea waves making a cocktail with the violin sound and the beautiful princess sitting in front of me.
I needed nothing more than it. But suddenly I realized that why this water drops is falling on my face? Why m I feeling cold? What happen all of a sudden? Then I came to realize and I opened my eyes it was raining outside I was sleeping near a open window the raindrops had disturbed my dream and my room-mate had taken off the blanket from me which made me feel more cold.
It was a dream but a real one, I m still trying to recall her face, I m still trying to figure out were I was? Who was that gal? Where did she disappear? I wanna find her again, I wanna make my dream a real one.
When the sun falls down.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The gal i know

The gal I know…

With the most beautiful eyes… When she applies kajal in her eyes…, those kajal are the most lucky to be always with her eyes..!!

The gal I know…

Her lips when they stretch with a curve for smile…. ohh my !!..everyone just around her have there life go like heaven till miles…!!

The gal I know…

When she looks at me with that smile for me ….. I just thank god for being the only person to be so much lucky for the way she see..!!

The gal I know…

When she catch my hand when we walk… I just wish that the path will never ever end and she just keep on talk…!!

The gal I know…

Whenever she calls my name the way she means… I just wish to change my name the way it seems..!!

The gal I know…

When she rests on my shoulder without any fear….. I just feel to be on the paradise island and none present around and near..!!

The gal I know…

When she is busy with playing with my hairs…she just makes me feel that that in the world nothing is evil and everthing is fair..!!

The gal I know…

I am jelous about the things that are around her……bcoz they spend more time with her than me for sure..!!

The gal I know…

She is miles away far from me…but at night she is just so close as just beside me…bcoz at night we look at the same star and there I can see..!!

The gal I know…

The sun is hot with red little face….bcoz he cant see her bcoz she when she goes out she has scarf on her face

The gal I know…

Once I saw at night that the moon was very much glowing…then I came too know the reason, that night on terris she was sleeping…!!

The gal I know…

My heart was the paradise but a empty palace, my heart was single and mingle……I don’t know when came,when she conqured, my palace and my heart was like a solace.

The world cant see wat I can see, bcoz she is the gal I know, she is the gal I love, she cant see the love in my eyes, she cant see the world I see, bcoz I m not the boy she know.

I just wish the world keep smiling, bcoz I can see them smiling to me bcoz of her. But when she stops smiling, I don't think i can see the world ever smiling.