Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Kiss of my LIFE....!!

The Kiss of my LIFE….!!

It was 5:30 PM and we were at one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen called Matheran. As this place is famous for its romantic and wonderful points which is also very beautiful during monsoon. A place highly recommended for couples when it’s raining, because I personally had the most beautiful experience of my life.

We were at the echo point, the place which is far inside surrounded with beautiful sceneries from three sides. You can also see the waterfall at your left. I was with the girl, never imagined that I am going to have such a special moment ahead. She was holding my hand looking at the greenery surrounding us which she thinks as a beautiful gift of god and I was looking at the most beautiful gift of god...that is her. She was shouting my name trying to hear the echo; I didn’t know that my name sounds so pleasant in her voice. I just wished she continues the same. Then she looked at me and gave me a sign that I should say her name too. As I did the same, I don’t know why her name was sounding so clear than mine. The echo of her name was a bit louder than mine? Ohh!! Got it, actually I was taking the name of a girl who is more beautiful than the view around us and the mountains were too much interested than me to take her name that’s why her name was sounding louder.

We were busy enjoying the view and suddenly it started raining, not heavily but just like sprinklers. As she was wet and feeling cold, so she came near me. So close that I can easily see her face just couple of inches from me. I was just busy in watching her, some of the rain drops on her cheeks which were not at all rolling down. I could sense that these rain drops were so lucky to be on cheeks for such a long time. In jealous I had become so hot that the rain drops on me were vaporizing.

She slowly turned her face and looked at me; she knew that I was looking at her since a long time. As she turned facing to me, she looked into my eyes. God I have never seen such beautiful eyes before. She slowly moved towards me, I can sense her breath, she was so close. I just closed my eyes and moved a bit towards her. I too was feeling cold but suddenly all the air around me, the rain drops falling on me turned warm. I sensed something on my lips, it was warm, and I think whatever rain drops on my lips where present were vaporized. I felt some kind of flavor on my lips, I am so good in guessing it, and it was strawberry flavor. I am unable to understand what’s going on around so I slowly opened my eyes. As I opened my eyes I saw those beautiful eyes closed, her eye liner had been washed out due to rain, yet looking so beautiful. Some tiny rain drops were on her eye lashes which were looking as if some gemstones precious than diamond were on it making her eyes more beautiful. I could see nothing except her eyes closed and was wondering about the things going behind her eyes. I could still feel the warm lips, I could easily differentiate between the moisture present on her lips and the rain drops. The mixture of her lips moisture and the raindrops and strawberry flavor lipstick was making a cocktail which I think is the most alcoholic thing I ever tasted. I closed my eyes again to enjoy this moment.

After some time I again tried to open my eyes. What the hell is this? I saw a familiar face coming towards me, there was no rain, no evening time, it was too bright out there and what the hell a PC is doing in front of me. I was feeling cold because of this AC above me? Wait a minute. The surrounding seems to be too much familiar. Ohh!! It’s my office, and gosh I had again seen a dream.

But why my lips are still waiting for the strawberry flavor? And I think that from now onwards strawberry will be my favorite fruit for sure. Where did those eyes go? Why I am unable to have the warm feeling around me?

God why only dream? When can I experience The Kiss of my LIFE….!!


  1. what a pity it was just a dream, but u will find this girl and u will have the kiss of your life. Btw, great post.

  2. your imagination are soo strong that you have already gone through your kiss of life ...nice one

  3. hmmmmmmmmm...........guess karle mera reaction..

  4. I pity on u Anup, it was just a dream..... the day will come when ur dream will come true.
